Who We Are

Our collaborative approach involves close partnerships with Housing Associations, Care Providers, and Local Authorities, enabling us to craft customised, purpose-built homes for those in need. With offices strategically located in Hampshire and London, our established track record spans the successful delivery of homes across England.

Our developments are underpinned by a substantial multi-million-pound real estate funds and high net worth individuals, reflecting our unwavering commitment and enthusiasm to bring about a significant enhancement to the social housing landscape nationwide. 

Adopting a holistic “from the ground up” approach, we engage early with all stakeholders, allowing us to comprehend the project’s needs and requirements thoroughly. This collaborative strategy enables us to deliver tangible value for money while future-proofing the development. 

Our Objectives: As stewards of public funds, we consider it our duty to deliver a best-in-class product that serves as a genuine solution to the inadequacies in Specialist Supported Housing. 

Mission: Our mission is centered around fostering mutually beneficial reciprocal relationships. By adding value and shifting statutory liability to the private sector, we collaborate with local authorities to secure private sector funding. This, in turn, allows us to provide solutions for key workers, critical employees, affordable housing, care leavers, address homelessness, and contribute a much-needed upgrade to social housing stock.